What’s It Like Inside?

There are reality shows about being in prison and even a couple about being in county jail. The outside world can get an idea of how the dorm-style rooms are set up, how the toilet is stainless steel and how everyone hangs around, watching TV. But, there are just so many things you don’t think about or imagine until you are here.

Different county jails have different rules in place, but as for the one I am in waiting to transfer to prison, here are a few things you might find surprising.

We have lights out at midnight and we are woken up at 4:00. Breakfast is at 4:30. Because of this, pretty quickly you get used to eating breakfast and going back to sleep again right afterward. Our beds are bunk style, lined up all around the room. Most everyone spends a lot of time sleeping, trying to pass the time.

We eat, sleep, shower, use the restroom, and stay in this one room all the time, except for our rec time once a week and our 20 minute visitation twice a week, if we are lucky enough to get a visitor. I usually have 1 visitor a week.

All we get to drink is milk, 3 times a day with our meals, and tap water that is room temperature. I like drinking water, as a general rule, when I was outside I drank it a lot. And, lucky for me, I like milk. But I would pay a lot for a Dr. Pepper right now. Just something that wasn’t room temperature would be great.

It’s very cold. They keep the AC cranked way down in county. This is supposedly because it is better for the typical over-nighter in the drunk tank, and also to keep fighting down and disease down. You get used to it after awhile. When I got here I had no underwear, t-shirt or shoes on, just shorts and flip flops. Those items aren’t issued so I had to spend the first 2 weeks with the same jumpsuit on and no underwear, t-shirt or socks. I was miserable, cold and I smelled bad. I had to wait for someone to deposit money into my commissary so I could buy myself underwear, t-shirts, socks, and deodorant. These items are not handed out freely to inmates.

It’s very boring. At this county jail we get 20 minutes of “rec” one day a week. That means we are brought to a room with an open roof, so we can see the sky, and we can walk around. There is no sort of equipment to exercise with or anything to do but at least you can see the sky and it’s a change of scenery from the room we live in 24/7. Personally, I am doing push-ups and sit-ups in my area to keep my strength up and try to stay healthy. The meals are OK but they are high fat, and boring, and not a lot of variety or green stuff. I can buy chips and candy in the commissary. We place our order then some days later get our stuff for the week. The prices for chips and candy are about what they would be outside.

We also are not allowed to own playing cards, chess pieces or other such things. There is a book cart of donated books that comes around and we can choose something off of it. Sometimes it is pretty slim pickings. I can have a bible and a rosary, which is given to me. I can also have up to 4 photos that are sent to me. They have to be real photos, not ones printed on the computer.

My family cannot send me books, or any printed items off of the computer or any printed documents. They can not order me books via amazon or other sites like this. Once I am in TDC I will be able to get books ordered for me, and I can receive printed information from the internet. I think this is going to be much better. I also think that chess games and card games are allowed in TCD, although of course, gambling isn’t. I haven’t heard music since coming here, and I think that in TDC I can get a radio through commissary. I think this is a privilege you have to earn over time, not right away. It would be awesome to hear the radio.

Most fights break out over the TV. We have one TV and most of the shows are crap, like soap operas and game shows, but tensions run high over the TV and what is on it. It’s very loud almost all the time. Everyone talks loud and the TV is loud. Every minute here is long, but somehow the days go by. I can’t believe I have already been here over 3 months. The time stretching ahead of me seems like an eternity but I know it will pass.

60 thoughts on “What’s It Like Inside?

  1. Looking at a cancelled bond, have some questions before I go back. Can I take a Big Book or will it be available in the library, and where do you store items when you are in the cell? Only spent one night in before bond but it wasn’t too bad at all. Do they let you keep your bra if it is white no underwire? I can get one before I go. What about socks?

    1. I don’t have a lawyer yet or a court date. They said it could be 5 months to a year before I get a court date and can’t afford a bond.

    2. Hey Liz, you can wear in your white bra, with no underwire. And you can wear in socks. You could wear double socks to give you an extra pair. In my experience, they keep county extra cold so I suggest you consider wearing a t-shirt over your bra as well. A woman is allowed a t-shirt. A friend of mine wore in thermals to keep warm. It’s not a bad idea. You won’t be able to bring the Big Book but you should be able to get your hands on one once you are there, they usually have a book cart but it can be pretty slim pickings. Or have someone send you one. Books are one of the few items you can receive in prison but you would have to check if you can receive them at the county jail you report in to. Good luck and peace ~ Magnum

  2. To all going and coming ,
    Heading for my 2 yrs for a victimless crime . Don’t sleep drunk on the side of the road in Texas. State jail sucks gonna wind up their on a 2 yr charge probably be there 11 months because of my time already in county. Probation is invasive and I am sick of being Texas’ whore. I am gonna do mine and bounce from a once great state. To hell with this place and it’s over compensated penalties.

    1. Hey Mike, sorry to hear about that. Probation was not something I did good with myself. I agree Texas can be shitty when it comes to incarceration but other than that, I got to say I like it. I think I’m sticking here. Good luck to you, man. Keep your cool. Peace ~ Magnum

  3. Sorry to hear that you’re locked up in Texas. I’ve never been locked up myself, but I am facing a possible criminal charge where I may do at least a couple of months in county. Have no idea who I’m going to get through it if I get brought up on charges and convicted. Thanks for posting this, it gives me a sense of what to expect.

    I think the worst thing would be running out of toilet paper. I can deal with loud all day long, but I need my TP.

    1. Hey Nynh, I am now free, no longer locked up. I have been out for over 4 years now, freedom is great, and my plan is to never return. So far, so good. I am sorry to hear you are facing some trouble. Hopefully you will not get time, you could get probation if it’s a first time charge and not overly serious. If you do some time, make sure a family member or friend gets some money put on your commissary account right away and keeps you hooked up with funds for the duration, that way you can make sure you got your TP. Good luck to you and peace ~ Magnum

  4. I been down THREE times plus did a year in the county, all in Florida. Texas and Florida have similar criminal justice systems. I did my time for possession and driving while suspended, BIG BIG crime in Florida…WARNING: DO NOT DRIVE WITHOUT A LICENSE IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA.

    Been out since 2007, moved to Texas, and now doing Outreach and harm reduction to prostitutes and sex workers.

    ANY type of jail is no way to live, but no playing cards in county??? WOW, that’show I stayed out of trouble, Spades 24/7

    Good Luck everyone and Hit me up if you are or know someone in the sex industry, we are a human rights based org, meaning, “it’s your body do what you want with it”

    1. Hey Sherry, thanks for your note. Sounds like you are doing well now on the outside. Keep up the good works. Peace to you ~ Magnum

  5. I spent 19 years in prison. Been out for 6 wasca model inmate. Now I report 4 times a year! Freedom is a gift every day is freedom when i am free out here.

    1. Hey Godfather, freedom is a gift indeed. Glad to hear you are living the good life on the right side of things. Feels good, doesn’t it? I’m enjoying this life of freedom as well. Keep it up and peace to you ~ Magnum

  6. My fiance is in bcounty jail awaiting sentencing on two felonies…dui number 6…yep 6…and family violence impeading breath circulation on a minor child..choking my son in his sleep…yea again…anyway this is number3 he was in prison 2 times before for dui…and arrested a few times for family violence and i believe even one agravated sex charge that was dismissed…anyway he tells me he will be out in 18 months will i wait for him…i am 48..so is he…he is being offered 2 10 year sentences..he has been in county 5 months…do you believe it is possible he could be out in 18 nmonths? also he wants me to put 6grand on his tdc account for supposedly a good parole attorney so he can come home to me..hmmm i wonder if that is true and also can you even deposit that kind of money …i would think it could be considerd illegal for many reasons

    1. Hi Kimberly, I don’t know which county jail your fiance is in, but I am pretty sure almost all of them have a dollar limit for what can be put on an inmate’s books and it’s much less than $6000. If you call the jail where he is, they will be able to provide you with that information. I think that it might be more typical for you to just go pay the attorney yourself on behalf of your fiance.

      I feel inclined to ask if you have thought over what is in the best interest of you and your family? If you do happen to have that kind of cash on hand, it’s a lot to spend on a lawyer to help someone who has hurt your child, and who has a history of previous similar incidents. Have you and your family received counseling about the assault? Have you tried going to Al-Anon or another support group for those in relationships with alcoholics? It might be helpful for you to give it a try. Has your fiance shown some interest in learning more about his past behavior and making changes in his life to avoid future episodes like this?

      Before making any decisions about money and lawyers, and about waiting while he does his time, I would ask yourself what your expectations are about your fiance and the future you and your children will have with him. Do you have reason to believe he is going to do things differently this time around?

      Regarding the time your fiance will have to server, I don’t know if 18 months is a realistic expectation regarding your fiance’s sentencing and time served. If a lawyer or other inmates are telling him it is a sure thing, they are just guessing as well. There are many variables including the fact that he is serving time for an offense he has previously been incarcerated for. That sometimes means they are not so quick to parole. I have always heard that parole lawyers are not worth the money, and an inmates behavior and attitude while incarcerated as well as a good parole plan will go further towards his parole being granted than a lawyer will. But, when we are in bad circumstances, we all like to think a good lawyer can fix our troubles, so I understand that.

      Best luck to you and your family Kimberly, hope it all works out and keep us posted. Take care ~

    2. Why would you consider letting a person who choked your child return to your life after they get out of prison? I personally would be knocking someone’s door down and you would have to tie me up to keep me from physical altercation if someone attempted to kill my child (which is what impeading breath circulation does by the way)…..Please find help for yourself.

    3. I do believe he will u know all the time he has been in jail counts towards how many ever yeara they decide to give him personally my brother just got sentenced to 5 years for family violence and impeding breath circulation we heard the same thing 2-10 years in prison but the day he was sentence they said 10 all off a sudden our lawyer spoke with DA and he got 5 yearss.. My brother decided it wasnt a good idea to try the case …he pled guilty is the best thing that can be done if he tries the case the jurora might even give him 10 yrs for each case. They can even reopen the case that was dismissed …juat a heada up ok good luck we are waiting for my brother to be transfered to prison from a county jail…

  7. thank you for your insite. My brother in law just recieved life after a year of horrible waiting for a wrongfully accused crime of his pissed of 12 year old…. Good men are put in there everyday. Im on the ouside and batter with withdraw from opiots.. Im only on week two so you got me :). thank you and tell them they need more tosh.o!!!

    1. Congratulations on 2 weeks off of opiates, you can stick with it, and it is worth it. I am sorry to hear of your brother in law’s sentence. Another good reason to stay strong, as support for the other members of your family who need you.

  8. I was at gurney for almost two years its hot as being in the middle of the Sinai desert august. The warden or the co’s don’t care about the offenders. Don’t give up on the hopes for AC in the prisons.I spent seven years in that hell hole Texas calls rehabilitation.

  9. If you are going to Montgomery County Jail – yes they will let you shower daily. You have a weekly towel exchange as well as a weekly uniform exchange. Wear a white bra with no underwire when you are admitted so you will be permitted to keep it, as well as white underwear, white socks, a white thermal undershirt and a white t-shirt. These are all things you will not be issued and you will want to have. They provide you with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bar of soap when you are processed. Once inside, if you cannot order shampoo and such on commissary, you can order an indigent commissary pack on Tuesday. The code on the form is 8900 if I am not mistaken. Get to know some of the women in your tank; if you do not have certain items they are going to be your saving grace. I was training to be a massage therapist so I traded back rubs for different things I couldn’t get because I didn’t have any money on my books for commissary. All the pods or tanks are different; the one I was housed in had 12 bunk beds totaling 24 women. There were 3 stainless steel toilets and two showers. You can shower at any time except for rack down at 10:30 pm – 4:30 am. Breakfast is at 4:30am and you can go back to sleep after that. You may not be under your blanket until 9:00pm and you must rack out at 9:00am and make your bed, but you may go back to sleep on top of your blanket. I slept under my little towel. You have to wash your own undergarments, so make sure you order some detergent on commissary or use your shampoo. You have to hang these things out to dry – there are hooks on the side of the bunks. If they provide opportunities to go to church, go. It’s a nice change of pace and it can be very healing. Also, write to the chaplain on a request form so you can request a Bible and a Christian book. Put in a rec form request to go to the library. If you go to the law library, you will see all the books available but you won’t be able to take any of them with you. However, you will be able to pick up legal documents at the law library. I filed for a divorce while in jail, and it only costs $1. You can also get very inexpensive dental work done while in jail but they take it from your commissary. I think the most expensive thing I saw was an extraction that cost $20. The only drawback – they do not give you narcotic pain relief, only an ibuprofen 800. Weigh the pros and cons. If you can afford to get decent dental care when you get out, I would do it. If not, go ahead and get it taken care of. There is not much to do while you are in there. I occupied my time working out, reading the Bible and writing to my loved ones. They don’t give you much food, so commissary is vital. If you don’t get commissary, your best bet will be asking people who do not finish their cornbread or rolls to give them to you and save them for later. Bread tends to fill the gaps. Breakfast is at 4:30am, lunch is around noon and dinner is usually 6pm. This can make the night time very difficult to bear, knowing that your next meal is over 10 hours away. I slept a lot. Anyway, I hope this answers some of your questions. Keep your cool while you’re in there. Get chummy with the women who get a lot of commissary so they will share with you. A lot of the women there made ‘spread’ which is a mixture of ramen noodle soup and whatever leftovers they had from lunch or dinner, plus a packet of chili or whatever is on hand. They would put it in a bowl and spoon it over crackers. It’s not too bad (wouldn’t eat it on the outside) but it would be a major bummer when they were making it and wouldn’t share any. You don’t want to be the person always begging for people to share, but if you are friends with them they will usually pass some your way. Remember, if you have something extra, always trade it for something else, whether it is a cup of coffee or extra paper. If you see someone in need, help them out. It will come back to you. When I left I gave my extra items to a girl that came in who was in my same situation with no commissary. It made me feel good to know that she would have some items to help her be more comfortable than I was. Good luck to you, I hope it turns out well.

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